An x-ray of a rescued two headed bobtail, a type of skink, at the Henley Brook Reptile Park on April 22, 2010 in Perth, Australia.

Janus, the Geneva Museum of Natural History’s two-headed Greek tortoise, is presented to the press and the public during the official celebration of its 10th birthday on 05 September 2007.

A Hereford calf with two joining heads is bottle fed at a veterinary clinic in Elk Grove, California on April, 2, 1987 where it was taken by owner Dick Harry. The twelve day old female calf can eat with both mouths but the one being fed is more dominant.

A turtle born with two heads and an extra set of legs between them is held by an employee of a Jenkintown, Pa., pet store on Sept. 22, 1986. The owner of the store said while it was the strangest thing he’d ever seen he had no idea how long it would live.

Oct. 28, 2011 photo provided by Daniel Parker of Sunshineserpents.com, a two-headed albino Honduran milk snake is shown in Ridge Manor, Fla. Parker, a University of Central Florida biologist, says that most two-headed snakes have typical coloration. Albino snakes don't have dark pigmentation in their skin. Albino milk snakes appear in bright shades of red, orange and white. The biologist says two-headed snakes have been documented to live as long as 20 years in captivity. But with two brains giving commands to a single body, Parker says the snake would have a difficult time surviving in the wild.

Frank and Louie (one name for each face) walks by its owner Marty, at their home in Massachusetts.

Leonard Sonnenschein, president of the World Aquarium in St. Louis, holds a two-headed albino rat snake. The eight-year-old oddity of nature was known affectionately by fans worldwide as "We" died of natural causes in 2007.

Janus, the Geneva Museum of Natural History’s two-headed Greek tortoise, is presented to the press and the public during the official celebration of its 10th birthday on 05 September 2007.

An official shows a two-headed baby crocodile at Samut Prakarn Crocodile Farm on the outskirt of Bangkok. TAn official shows a two-headed baby crocodile at Samut Prakarn Crocodile Farm on the outskirt of Bangkok Monday, June 25, 2001. The crocodile, which shares the bottom part of the body, has eight legs and two tails, was born at this farm three days ago. It is measured at 17-centimeter long and weighs at 70 grams.

Hakob Avetyan (not pictured) holds a two-headed calf in the Armenian village of Sotk, on January 28, 2011. The two-headed calf was born on January 25 in the Avetyans' cow house. Two-headed people and animals, though rare, have long been known to exist, and been documented.

A two-headed snake named Tom and Jerry is pictured 08 May 2008 at the Vivarium exposition in Offenburg, western Germany .

anus, the Geneva Museum of Natural History’s two-headed Greek tortoise, is presented to the press and the public during the official celebration of its 10th birthday on 05 September 2007.

A vet feeds five month two-headed calf "Milagritos" (Little Miracle) in Cajamarca, Peru, on August 19, 2009.

A Palestinian farmer holds a two-headed sheep outside his family home in the West Bank al-Fawar refugee camp, near Hebron, on November 9, 2008.

An animal keeper shows a two-headed American Rat Snake in an animal park in Tilburg.

Australian scientists discovered a two headed blue tongue lizard in Sydney on 17th January 2001.The lizard named Trixie has one eye on the far side of each of her heads, as well as a third eye where the two heads connect, and one blue tongue.
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